miércoles, 27 de abril de 2016

A Promise

"A promise must never be broken."
-Alexander Hamilton

What this quote means to me is that you can never break a promise. Because if you do people won’t trust you if you keep breaking them. This quote relates to me because i do a lot of promises i don’t think i’ve broken any yet but when i do promise i always do what i say. An example of this quote that i’d give is when you and your partner for history class have a project due by tomorrow and you take it home. Your job is to finish it at home because you took it home and you might’ve told him that you were going to finish it at home. Next day you don’t come with it hes not going to trust you because you got an F for both of you guys. It’s like in a relationship, you cheat or you get caught cheating, your girlfriend/boyfriend will have to get you to trust them again for your mistake. Until then they’re going to have trust issues with you.

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