- What I really liked about this class was all the good examples and quotes Mr. Haymore showed us because they were all about choosing the right to have a better future in life.
- I don't really disliked anything about this class,i enjoyed every day of this class trough all this school year.
- Some recommendations are to improve on your reflections of the quotes because improving on your opinions will help a lot not only for this class but for others classes to.
- A highlight for me in this class was in the quotes because most of them really gave me an example of doing what is right and not cheating on anything.
- I don't really did the best in this class because my reflections on the quotes were not bad but i know that i could do better.
- Not really because sometimes i forget and other times i don't have time to do it or i'm just to tire and prefer to go to sleep.
- Yes i'm committed because know i know that doing whats right and always being a ctr person will always give me good rewards in life.
- to choose the right because everyone should do it to be a better person in life.
jueves, 9 de junio de 2016
Last Lecture
“You will go far with CTR.”
-Mr. Haymore
Through this school year we have being seeing many examples of what could lead you to a great future and a great person,and that is by being a ctr person.Always choosing the right is what everyone should do because this will give you good rewards,instead if you are a ctw person you will always be having as a result bad things in your life.Being a ctr person means being honest,safe,responsible,hard working,respectful,and productive and with this you will always achieve your goals and dreams in life.Choosing the right is something you will always want to do because not only you want to do it for a few times because that’s not the way of doing it,you need to always choose the right trough your entire life because with this you will have a good and better life not only for you but for many people because they could see you as a good example.
martes, 7 de junio de 2016
To be a CTR Person-to always CHOOSE THE RIGHT 24/7 !!!
To be a CTR Person-to Always CHOOSE THE RIGHT 24/7 !!
The Ultimate Choice
Of all the choices you will always make,one choice supersedes all others-the ultimate choice.This one choice will help you to always make correct decisions for the remain of your life,This one choice,The Ultimate Choice,is your keystone for being the best student and person you can possibly be.this one choice will forever affect you for good more than any other choice.
The Ultimate Choice is:
To be a CTR Person-to Always CHOOSE THE RIGHT 24/7 !!!
-Mr. Haymore
I agree with this quote because i’m a Ctr person as well.I like to choose the right because it makes me feel good.It makes me want to do good deeds.It makes me think of old people because their are people who mostly need help.With carrying heavy bags.Helping them to grab something,etc.Other people should help people because they can be rewarded.Mostly by money.Money isn't what matters though.What matters is that you chose to do the right thing.Choosing the right is the best thing to do because I've been in this class for so long it's like a habit to choose the right it's like we are being program not everyone's going to choose the right but doesn't mean you can always take the hard way out because if you take the easy way you will never learn anything and you will be stuck. Always ask yourself is this an uncomfortable situation or comfortable always try to go in an uncomfortable situation because if you're in a comfortable situation you're finding the easy way out of things and therefore will not succeed this is one of the keys to success use this information wisely and always choose the rocky road instead of the straight path trust me you will benefit in the end.
viernes, 3 de junio de 2016
Beautiful Character
Beautiful Character
If there is beauty in character,
There will be harmony in the home.
If there is harmony in the home,
There will be order in the nation.
If there is order in the nation,
There will be peace in the world.
If there is beauty in character,
There will be peace in the world.
-Chinese Proverb
What this quote is stating that if you have a beautiful character you can make the world better place or a peaceful place. There are some people that have bad character and those people are the people who are making this world horrible and unpeaceful. If you have peace in your home then the nation will it like if a famous person has a new lipstick they wear you want it. If the something. People will want to have harmony in their house if you have it in yours at .This way it's like monkey see monkey do. We have to make this world a peaceful place because now it's full of horrible people that don't bring peace.One single thing can make the world better and in this quote that little thing is character.
Challenges Teens Face Today
Challenges Teens Face Today
1-Drugs – This is a common problem that most of the teens face today. They could be addicted to drugs due to a number of reasons. Mostly it is the peer pressure
Study pressure – The teenagers today are under a lot of study pressure from both the teachers and the parents. They have to get good grades so that they get into a good college
Pressure in a relationship– Many teenagers today are in relationships. This may also include physical involvement with a person. When teenagers are involved in unsafe sex it can lead to pregnancy and also other sexually transmitted diseases
Uncertainty about the future – Most of the teenagers are not sure as to what life holds for them. Which college they will get in and what will be the career that they will be making is uncertain as a result the students often feel depressed and are found lost or daydreaming.
Drinking and smoking – A common concern that all teenagers face is of drinking and smoking. If the teenagers are found drinking and smoking they must be dealt with sensitively.
2-One of the major challenges i’m dealing with today is in school,the study pressure because my parents told me that I need to get good grades by the end of this final semester,besides the soccer coach already told me several times to get my grades up because I need good grades if i want to play in the school soccer team next year.
3- I think that if you are a ctr person it helps you a lot and makes things more easy because being a ctr person is to be a hardworking,responsible,productive and honest person and that is important to success and help you to face any challenge.
miércoles, 1 de junio de 2016
Student Success statment
“I would prefer even to fail with honor than by winning by cheating.”-Sophocles
A current Health-Related
A current Health-Related
Sun protection
miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2016
Eight Great Things to Tell The Truth
Eight Great Things to Tell The Truth
-Barbara A. Lewis
- Telling the truth lets everyone know what really happened. There's less chance of misunderstanding,confusion,or conflict.
- Telling the truth protects innocents people from being blamed or punished.
- Telling the truth allows everyone to learn from what happened.
- You usually get into less trouble for telling the truth other than for lying(and getting caught).
- Other people trust you more when you tell the truth.
- You don’t have to tell(and remember)more lies to keep your story straight.
- You gain a reputation for being truthful - a trait most people value.
- Telling the truth helps you to feel secure and peaceful inside.
This quote means that you shouldn't lie because it always comes back to you. Like an example could be you sneak out of your house to go to a party, you accidentally fall asleep at your friend's party, and it's 7 in the morning you realized your mom knew about the party plus she always says “good morning” when she wakes up so you run home as fast as your little legs can take you. You finally get home and you open the door first you see no one and then you go to the stairs and you mom suddenly pops up. She says “where have you been?” the girl thinks “what if i tell her i went to study?” or “what if i just tell her the truth?” the girl ends up with the lie and her mom then says “who did you study with?” you reply “umm jenna” your mom says “what subject?” you say “biology” your mom says “fine, okay” she calls jenna's mom to see if it's true and jenna's mom tells the girls mom everything that happened and that whole big lie could've been avoided if she would've said the truth.
Yoga Therapist
Yoga Therapist
Duties and Responsibilities:
Yoga aims to create balance in the mind and body through exercise, breathing and meditation. As a yoga therapist you would use yoga to help people with physical and emotional issues or specific health problems.The number one job of a yoga therapist is to keep their clients healthy, flexible and safe. They must ensure that all the poses are executed correctly and without injury, which requires close attention to the abilities of their clients and concise instruction
+Salary:Yoga therapists may make from $36,900 median average wage to $66,530
To become a yoga therapist, you will need to be a qualified yoga teacher and have taken a course in yoga therapy. Once qualified as a yoga therapist, you can register with the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC).lunes, 23 de mayo de 2016
Dan Dierdorf
“If I’ve got the goals,and if I keep pursuing them the best way I know how,everything else falls into line.If I do the right thing right,I’, going to succeed.”
-Dan Dierdorf
This quote says that if you have good goals planned in your live and you know how to manage them and take them the best way you can you will achieve them and going to succeed.For example if you are a basketball fan and want to be in the NBA as a professional player you need to do the right thing,never give up and keep pushing to one day have what you deserve and what you have being working on.You need to every day give your dream hard work and do it because that is the right thing to do it and not on cheating because someone else can by professional but doing it by cheating like consuming steroids,but if you want to achieve your goal the right way you wont have to cheat.
Wellness Specialist
Wellness Specialist
Duties and Responsibilities:
Wellness specialists work for schools, local governments, companies or other organizations to suggest, support and train people on their health and fitness goals. The types of concerns are as varied as weight and diabetes prevention and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. A specialist often consults with people directly on lifestyle, eating and exercise habits and may direct an individual to a doctor for any serious health concerns.Salary:$29,202 - $70,287
A wellness specialist often has a degree in a related discipline such as nursing, fitness or sports medicine. There are no specific requirements, but many positions require on-the-job training in addition to certification from accredited wellness organizations such as the International Association of Wellness Professionals
jueves, 19 de mayo de 2016
Good Values
"The most important thing you will ever have is good values."
-Dennis Prager
Duties and responsibilities:
Veterinarians provide healthcare treatment to animals, just as medical doctors do to human beings. Primarily, veterinarians administer medication, vaccinations, perform surgeries, and provide general health care for companion animals. Unlike a general practitioner, veterinarians must rely strictly on signs and symptoms of the treated animal (as animals are unable to talk). By combining personal observations, the owner’s perspective, and pertinent diagnostic tests such as blood tests, x-rays, and CT-scans, veterinarians aim to effectively treat and prevent diseases in animals
Salary:84,460 USD
Veterinarians are required to complete a four-year Doctor of Medicine program, in addition to undergraduate school. These professionals are also required to obtain license to practice in the profession.martes, 17 de mayo de 2016
An Internal Phenomenon
"The reward for doing right is mostly an internal phenomenon:
self-respect,dignity(self-worth),integrity,and self-esteem."
Dr.Laura Schlessinger
This quote is something that is
marked in your life because it is something that comes great as an
Handing your heart and your mind as any sea thing no matter which depends your life Because respect and dignity earns doing the right thing own sense , makes you think is the right thing you always keep in the Circle UN But dignity is not correct If you feel bad with himself and you know that no more kill your own dilemma that empresses worthy fustiness
viernes, 13 de mayo de 2016
World Record
World Record
Most Career Goals Football
Pelé,The most goals scored in a specified period is 1,279 by Edson Arantes do Nascimento (Brazil) (b. 23 Oct 1940), known as Pelé, from 7 Sep 1956 to 1 Oct 1977 in 1,363 games. His best year was 1959 with 126, and the Milésimo (1000th) came from a penalty for his club Santos at the Maracanã Stadium, Rio de Janeiro, on 19 Nov 1969 when playing his 909th first-class match. He later added two more goals in special appearances.
I’m fascinated with this record because I like football and score goals is really what i like best of a football game.I would like at least to try to break this record but I see it very difficult because is a big number and for that i need to score a lot of goals per game and I don’t even know if i will make it to a professional football player.I’m 16 years old and if i want to beat this record I should by this moment already by a professional and play in a big team with good players to make it more easy for me.
Phillip riggs’ four Success tips
Phillip Riggs’ four Success tips
- Work hard
- Follow your passions.Do things you are interesting in doing
- Don’t chase after money
- Serve others.Do good things for others,and good things will come to you.
Phillip Riggs is great example of that you need to do what is interesting to you and not because of the money,you can make your dreams come true but all of this needs to be earned by the hard work you put on it and helping others whenever you can to be a better person,what you give to others,god is going to give you much more so good thing will come to you is you do whats right while chasing your dreams.If you want to be a professional person in whatever your goal is you need to protect it because it may be people who will tell you that is impossible but you need to keep going and ignore what other people tell you.
miércoles, 11 de mayo de 2016
“You knew what I was when you picked me up.”
“You knew what I was when you picked me up.”
I think this is something to really think about when you are about to take a decision because the Indian knew what the snake could do to him but he got fooled by the snake and he betrayed him when the snake had what he wanted.I think this applies to every bad thing around our world because if one day some of your friends offer you a beer and you decide to take it because you think one won't do much but the days past and got addicted to the beer and one day you get into a car crash because you were driving drunk and end up losing a leg or a arm,you are going to be very upset but this quote will go through your mind and you will recognize that you were wrong because of making the decision of accepting that beer.
‘“In any moment of decision,the best thing you can do is the right thing.”
-Theodore Roosevelt
This quote is truly right because it doesn’t matter what decisions you make,doing the right thing is always the best thing you can do because it will always will give you good results.For example if one day in your semester you are going very bad on you classes and therefor you have bad grades but one day you decide to do the right thing and start studying,making your homework and doing all your assignments on time,if you do that you will end up with a very good result on your tests and a better view on your grades.
Duties and responsibilities:
If the Law & Order side of being a lawyer doesn’t appeal to you, don't sweat it. Even though most lawyers concentrate in criminal or civil law, some lawyers rarely see the inside of a courtroom. Even lawyers who do practice courtroom litigation wind up spending most of their time doing research and interviewing clients and witnesses outside of the courtroom.
Lawyers can specialize in a variety of different areas including bankruptcy, international, environmental or corporate law. In addition to lawyers working in specialized fields, a sizable number of lawyers work for the government at every level.
The average salary for all lawyers is about $110,000 per year, but it might take you a while to get there. The average salary for lawyers nine months after graduation is only around $68,000, $50,000 if you're working for the government.
If you’ve got your sight sets on a career in law, education should be on your radar. Most lawyers spend seven years, after high school, in school. The first four is spent getting a bachelor's degree, the last three is spent in law school.The time is only half the battle. Getting into law school can be difficult, and good law schools have highly competitive admission processes. Law schools weigh a combination of your undergraduate GPA and LSAT (Law School Admission Test) scores to determine your ability to be successful in a given program.
lunes, 9 de mayo de 2016
“Nothing is ever gained in doing what’s wrong.”
-Wilford Woodruff
What this quote says is that doing what’s wrong never brings good results so nothing is ever gained if you do wrong,if you want something you need to do it by always doing what’s right.For example if when you are in high school and you find the way to cheat in your exams and you do them like that and get a good grade on your exams you will not know how to use your own intelligence and not by cheating,so when you get to college and if they do you a test you will not know anything about anything that you were supposed to know in high school.That is an example of nothing is gained by doing what’s wrong.
Champions League Final 2016
This year the final of the uefa champions league will be between Real Madrid and Atletico de Madrid,both teams are from Spain and this final is exactly how it was in 2014,these two teams mated to the final like this year and Real Madrid won the final by 4-1 winning his decima (10) champions league,this year Real Madrid will be looking for his undecima (11) champions league and Atletico de Madrid will be looking for his first one.The question that all fans around the world are wondering is if Atletico de Madrid will revenge from the lost of 2014?
The San Siro, officially known as Stadio Giuseppe Meazza, was announced as the venue of the final at the UEFA Executive Committee meeting in Nyon, Switzerland, on 18 September 2014. This will be the fourth European Cup/Champions League final hosted at the stadium, following previous finals in 1965 , 1970 and 2001.
jueves, 5 de mayo de 2016
Do the right thing at the right time.
"It's A GREAT MOMENT when someone has character to step up and do the right thing at the right time." -Pam Knox Head Softball Coach western Oregon
In my opinion this quote says that when a person do was a right at the right time it reflects a great moment.Like for example when someday you see a kid that is being bullied and you diced to step up help that kid and tell the bullies that is something wrong and they shouldn't be doing it,that for me is a great example of when you have character to step up and do the right thing.
viernes, 29 de abril de 2016
The 10 Indian Commandments
The 10 Indian Commandments
- Treat the Earth and all dwells therein with respect.
- Remain close to the Great Spirit.
- Show great respect to your fellow beings.
- Work together for benefits of all mankind.
- Give assistance and kindness wherever needed.
- Do what you know to be right.
- Look after the well-being of mind and body.
- Dedicate a share of your efforts to the greater good.
- Be truthful and honest at all times.
- Take full responsibility for your actions.
These commandments are really good because it they all are commandments of respect,honor and to be a honest people,they also say to help others and give help and kindness when ever is needed and that for me is very important to be a really nice person.this commandments should be more recognized all over the world because with this commandments we could be in a better world with more respect in all man kind.
Duties and responsibilities:
Reflexology, also known as zone therapy, is an alternative form of treatment involving the application of pressure to different parts of the body in order to improve the general health. Reflexologists are professionals skilled in this natural art of healing. They treat patients by massaging their feet, hands, and ears to relieve them of stress, and improve circulation to the related body areas. The entire method of treatment is based on the principle that certain reflex zones in the body correspond to differ
Salary:full-time annual salary of $39,760
There is no specific academic requirement for reflexologists. One can opt for high school education in subjects like biology, chemistry, nutrition, and health. There are a number of private schools and graduate colleges that offer courses on reflexology. It is beneficial to attend a 6-month or 1-year course from a training school before taking up the profession.miércoles, 27 de abril de 2016
A Promise
"A promise must never be broken."
-Alexander Hamilton
What this quote means to me is that you can never break a promise. Because if you do people won’t trust you if you keep breaking them. This quote relates to me because i do a lot of promises i don’t think i’ve broken any yet but when i do promise i always do what i say. An example of this quote that i’d give is when you and your partner for history class have a project due by tomorrow and you take it home. Your job is to finish it at home because you took it home and you might’ve told him that you were going to finish it at home. Next day you don’t come with it hes not going to trust you because you got an F for both of you guys. It’s like in a relationship, you cheat or you get caught cheating, your girlfriend/boyfriend will have to get you to trust them again for your mistake. Until then they’re going to have trust issues with you.
Registered Nurse
Registered Nurse
Duties and Responsibilities:
The nursing profession, like healthcare in general, is in a state of change. The profession of nursing is becoming increasingly complex as patient care is moving out of hospitals and into outpatient and primary care settings. For years, the role of nurses has been evolving from a bedside caregiver to a specialized member of an interdisciplinary medical team.
Salary:65,470 USD
Nursing students may choose from a variety of education options to become a registered nurse. Some teaching hospitals offer 3-year diploma programs in nursing; however, these programs are rare. Most RNs earn associate degrees or bachelor's degrees in nursing.lunes, 25 de abril de 2016
"Goodness is the only investment that never fails."
-Henry David Thoreau

Recreation Therapist
Recreation Therapist
Duties and Responsibilities:
To assess patient needs, recreational therapists consider medical records, personal observation and talks with the patient and his or her loved ones. They then execute a therapeutic program targeted toward what that patient requires most. This can entail a variety of activities, so therapists need to keep current on communal and therapeutic resources available to best help their patients. Therapists also document a patient's progress during their activities.
Salary:usually between $45,773-$56,877
Most recreation therapist jobs require a bachelor's degree in therapeutic recreation.These are typically Bachelor of Science programs that teach students to both understand their patients' conditions and engage those patients physically and mentally to keep them refreshed. The programs often include a significant amount of field work so students can gain hands-on experience for their future career. As an alternative to a therapeutic recreation study, some schools offer a bachelor's degree in recreation with a therapeutic concentration.jueves, 21 de abril de 2016
They're Right
“My basic principle is that you don’t make decisions because they’re easy;you don’t make decisions because they are cheap;you don’t make them because they’re popular;you make them because they’re right.”
-Theodore Hesburgh
(former president of Notre Dame)
This quote says that you just don't make decisions because you want to,you need to make them because you know they are right,not all decisions that you think may end up well so you need to think well is they are good or not before putting them in action.For example if one day you plan to ditch school with your friends just because other guys in school do it and they say it’s cool,that is a bad decision and you need to think about it twice before doing it and you well know that is a bad idea and will bring bad consequences for you and your friends that were going to dicht with you.So therefor you must think well your decisions and only put in action the onces that are right.
Military medical Career
Duties and Responsibilities:
The Marine Corps is only as capable as each and every Marine. That's why all Marines have a specific role for which they are optimally trained, in support of the overall mission. As one of the Few, there are many ways to serve in the air, on land and at sea, but regardless of your area of expertise, you will forever be known by the title you earn, United States Marine.
Salary:Marine Officer-$94,327
Education:Marine corps officers have the opportunity to earn Master's degree and law degrees under the Advanced Degree Program,special education program and funded law program,all of which are partially funded by the marine corps.After Service:These educations benefits extend well beyond active duty and are awarded based on the number of years served and the specific education program in which you enroll.

martes, 19 de abril de 2016
Sound and Good
Sound And Good.
"It is our duty to concentrate all our influence to make popular that which is sound and good,and unpopular that which is unsound"
-Joseph Smith
This quote says that we need to start to make popular all things that are good and worth it,this that can be beneficial for everybody and will give a good example to the young kids like good songs our videos that show what is right.For example if a musical video comes out and teenagers start to listen to it and the video wings alot of popularity but is a video improper for kids,we should stop listening and making popular does videos that don't leave to anything good and we need to make more popular videos,music or whatever that is appropriate and gives good examples of life.

Duties and Responsibilities:
Veterinarians administer vaccines, do health check-ups, clean teeth, fix broken bones, treat skin infections and perform surgeries. Another aspect of a veterinarian's career may involve inspecting the living spaces of animals on farms or ranches to ensure that they are free from possible sources of infection. Some veterinarians specialize in a particular disease or condition and may be consulted only in special cases.
Salary:84,460 USD
Veterinarians are required to complete a four-year Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) program in addition to undergraduate school. These professionals are also required to obtain licensure to practice in the profession.
Reflection:I would like to be a veterinarian because I like animals and also like to help people who have their pets sick.
viernes, 15 de abril de 2016
Be True
"I am not bound to win, but I am bond to be true.I must stand with anybody that stands right,and stand with him while he is right,and part with him when he goes wrong."
-Abraham Lincoln
This quote says that you should be equal to everybody and always see for your friends when they are in bad things or are going true bad stuff,if you have a fiend that always helps you and is there for you when you need him and he is a good person and not somebody that is doing wrong you should be with him when he need help to or help him even when he says that he doesn't need help.For example if always had a friend that is being helping you when you were trough a lot of stuff and one day he gets into bad steps you should be worrying about him and try to help him get out of that problem he has.

Cristiano ronaldo
Cristiano Ronaldo
Cristiano Ronaldo was born on February 5, 1985, in Funchal, Madeira, Portugal. Manchester United paid £12 million to sign him in 2003—a record fee for a player of his age. In the 2004 FA Cup final, he scored Manchester's first three goals and helped them capture the championship. In 2008, he set a franchise record for goals scored. In 2009, Real Madrid paid a record $131 million for his services.
Success with Manchester UnitedRonaldo, however, did not disappoint. He showed his promise early on in the 2004 FA Cup final, scoring the team's first three goals and helping them capture the championship. In 2008, a year after signing a five-year, £31 million contract, Ronaldo again justified the high tab when he put together one of the club's finest seasons in history, setting a franchise record for goals scored (42), and earning himself the FIFA World of the Year honor. In all, Ronaldo helped steer Manchester United to three premier league titles.
Departure to Real Madrid
- Ronaldo became the only top European league player in the history of football to reach a milestone of scoring 50 or more goals in a season on five
- Ronaldo holds the record for most goals scored in a single UEFA champions league season, having sco5.
- Ronaldo became the fastest player to score 200 goals in La Liga in his 178th La Liga game in December 2014, , he scored a hat-trick against Celta Vigo; his 23rd hat-trick is also a La Liga record.red 17 goals in the 2013–14 season.
- Ronaldo has executed 8 hat tricks in the most recent 2014-15 football season, which is the highest number of hat tricks in a single football season.
- In addition to winning the award, Ronaldo also became the first player in England to grab all four main PFA and FWA awards, which he had done in season of 2007.
miércoles, 13 de abril de 2016
Mental Health Counselor
Mental Health Counselor
Duties and responsibilities:
Mental health counselors offer guidance to individuals, couples, families and groups who are dealing with issues that affect their mental health and well-being. Many counselors approach their work holistically, using a “wellness” model (as opposed to an “illness” one) which highlights and encourages client’s strengths.
Salary:41,500 USD
In order to become a licensed mental health counselor in most states, a master's degree is required. Schools offer master's degrees in counseling, psychology and other related mental health fields. Admissions requirements into a master's degree program generally include completion of a bachelor's degree and obtaining a minimum score on the Graduate Record Examination (GRE). Curricula for master's degree programs in the mental health fields may encompass classes such as cognitive psychology, counseling psychology and professional ethics.martes, 5 de abril de 2016
Radiation Therapist
Radiation Therapist
Duties and responsibilities:
A radiation therapist primarily works with patients being treated for cancer. She or he records a patient's medical information, locates tumors using x-rays and develops treatment plans within the guidelines set by a supervising radiologist and others on the cancer patient's oncologic team. Read on to learn more details about this profession.
Salary:77,560 USD
Radiation therapy technicians use machines to provide radiation treatments to patients who have diseases such as cancer. They also make sure that the equipment is maintained, ensure that safety procedures are followed, monitor patients during their treatments and keep records. These professionals usually complete a certificate, associate's degree or bachelor's degree in radiation therapy, and possessing CPR certification is usually a prerequisite to admission to one of these programs. Graduates need to pass their state's licensure exam for radiation therapists, and they may need to become certified too.
lunes, 4 de abril de 2016
Duties and responsibilities:
Psychologists study the human mind. Their research helps us understand behavior, memory and mental health disorders. Through counseling and experimentation, psychologists work to promote safety, understanding and good mental health. They can be found in practically any work environment, including hospitals, schools or corporations. Psychology professions require at least a master's degree, and most require a doctorate. During their training, psychologists choose an area of specialization. Psychologists must also be licensed or certified at the state or national level.
Salary:69,280 USD
Individuals with master's degrees in psychology may qualify to work as industrial-organizational psychologists, according to the BLS. Some states may approve candidates with master's degrees for licensure as school psychologists. Master's programs are offered in general psychology and in concentration areas. These programs include advanced courses in research, statistics and psychological methods, often requiring the completion of a thesis or comprehensive exam as the capstone requirement.
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